about US


The combination of these three qualities is what sets Johnny the Chairman apart from all other mobility service providers.  

We offer a very unique set of skills and experience to our customers.  Johnny is an Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) which means he is certified and trained in a wide variety of assistive and adaptive equipment and techniques. Amy has spent her career in medical billing, so she understands the ins and outs of the insurance world and how to get your needs covered.  While the knowledge we bring is important and absolutely essential to your experience, what really sets us apart is our understanding and compassion of what it is like to live with a mobility related disability.  Amy has been dependent on a wheelchair for the last 30 years, so we are not just the owners of a mobility company, it is part of our every day lives. We know what it means to rely on home medical equipment on a day-to-day basis and how much it can hinder your life when it isn’t working properly or isn’t suited to your individual needs.  

While other providers may be satisfied with meeting your minimum requirements, we take it a step further. We don’t just want to help you make it through your day, we want to provide you with the tools to go out and live your life to the fullest.  We not only want to help make your life easier, we want to help you expand your horizons.  Let the adventures begin!

Our Team

When we work together we can achieve anything.

Our Owner

Robert “Johnny” Johnson, ATP

Johnny is driven by a passion to make people’s lives easier and more fulfilling. He has more than 20 years of experience in the medical equipment industry and decided to open his own company so that he can bring that passion and knowledge to the Tampa Bay area.  

He doesn’t just see our clients as a “patient” or a person defined by their diagnosis.  He knows each person is an individual with many things going on in their lives, from friends and families and every day responsibilities to hopes, dreams and goals for the future.  Johnny gets to know our clients and understand their environment so he can help them maximize their potential and find solutions to overcome any limitations.

Our Owner

Amy Johnson

Amy had a spinal cord injury in 1990 due to a horseback riding accident and has been dependent on a wheelchair since that time.  She has always been determined not to let her injury stop her from living her life to the fullest.

Her main goal in opening this company has been to bring opportunity to our clients so that they can also experience a rich and fulfilling life regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in. In addition to that passion and drive, she has over 18 years of experience in the medical billing industry.  That means our clients have an expert on their side when it comes to prior authorizations, medical necessity and insurance claims submission.